What is the WPPSI™?

WPPSI™ stands for Weschler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence, and it is one of the most widely-used tools for determining a child's IQ. It's administered to children in preschool, kindergarten, first and occasionally second grade.

How is the WPPSI™ Test Used?

The WPPSI™ test is often used to assess the intelligence of students for entrance into a gifted program or private school. Some schools also give the WPPSI test to determine which children may benefit from remedial, traditional or gifted classes. In other cases, the WPPSI can be used to determine if a child has cognitive, intellectual or trauma-related impairments.

What is on the WPPSI™-IV Test?

The WPPSI™-IV is the most recent version of the WPPSI™ test and is comprised of 14 subtests that can be administered on paper and via computer. The subtests consist of core tests (required for the basic assessment), supplemental (used in case one of the core tests is inapplicable to a particular child) and optional (additionally useful but not allowed to replace a core or supplemental subtest).

Completion times for the test vary depending on the child’s age. Generally, the test can take 30 to 45 minutes for children between the ages of 2.6 and 3.11 years, while children between the ages of 4.0 and 7.7 years can take more than 60 minutes to complete the test.

How are the WPPSI™-IV Scores Interpreted?

Your child will receive an overall score indicating their Intelligence Quotient or IQ, as well as three separate scores in Verbal and Performance. There are five sections of the test: Full Scale IQ; Verbal IQ; Performance IQ; Processing Speed and Global Language. Your child's overall Full Scale IQ score is the most important, and the one used most often in determining gifted placement. A score of below 70 is considered Extremely low; 70 to 79 is Borderline; 80 to 89 is Low Average; 90 to 109 is Average; 110 to 119 is High Average; 120 to 129 is Superior and 130 and above is considered Very Superior. School acceptance varies, with some only accepting scores of 130 and above, and others accepting anything over the average range.