Preparation Kit for the WISC®-IV

The Test Tutor: Preparation Kit for WISC-IV Test is the ultimate resource for helping children master the skills and concepts assessed on the WISC-IV test. Tailored for children aged 6 to 16, this kit offers a blend of fun, colorful exercises and comprehensive preparation to build confidence and improve performance.

This all-inclusive kit features:

  • 900+ practice questions that replicate the content, format, and difficulty of the WISC-IV test.
  • Detailed explanations of the test subject matter, administration, and scoring process.
  • Coverage of all 15 subtests, including:
    • Similarities: Logical reasoning and abstract thinking.
    • Vocabulary: Word knowledge and verbal comprehension.
    • Comprehension: Practical reasoning and understanding of social norms.
    • Block Design: Visual-spatial problem-solving using patterns.
    • Picture Concepts: Identifying commonalities in visual images.
    • Matrix Reasoning: Nonverbal reasoning and pattern recognition.
    • Digit Span: Short-term memory and attention.
    • Letter-Number Sequencing: Working memory and sequencing skills.
    • Coding: Speed and accuracy in visual-motor coordination.
    • Symbol Search: Processing speed and visual discrimination.
    • Information: General knowledge and long-term memory.
    • Word Reasoning: Verbal reasoning and problem-solving.
    • Picture Completion: Visual attention to detail.
    • Arithmetic: Mental math and numerical reasoning.
    • Cancellation: Visual attention and processing speed.
  • 9 bi-color, non-toxic blocks for hands-on learning.

Whether your child is preparing for a gifted program, private school admission, or simply aiming to perform their best, this preparation kit ensures they are fully equipped. Experts agree that familiarizing children with the test format and content can significantly improve performance by reducing test anxiety and addressing weak areas.

With over 900 targeted practice items and comprehensive coverage of all subtests, The Test Tutor: Preparation Kit for WISC-IV Test is an invaluable tool for ensuring your child’s success. Don’t leave their future to chance—prepare them to excel!


The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children® Fourth Edition/WISC®-IV is a registered trademark of NCS Pearson Inc. Test Tutor Publishing is not affiliated with or related to NCS Pearson Inc. or its affiliates. NCS Pearson does not sponsor or endorse Test Tutor Publishing products or services. Test Tutor Publishing's products and services have not been reviewed, certified or approved by NCS Pearson. Trademarks referring to specific test providers are used by Test Tutor Publishing for nominative purposes only and such trademarks are solely the property of their respective owners.



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