The eBook version includes 150 practice questions similar in content, format and difficulty to the WISC®-IV test. (PLEASE NOTE: These questions can also be found in our Preparation Kit for the WISC®-IV Test).
Our Practice Test for the WISC®-IV Test is designed to help identify a child's testing strengths and weaknesses. It also gives parents an understanding of what is on the test, how it is administered, and how it is scored. With about 150 practice items, parents can give their child the practice and exposure to testing conditions that will give him/her the confidence needed to achieve a high score.
1. How long can I have access to the eBook?
You will have access to the eBook for 7 days from the date of purchase.
2. Can I print the eBooks?
Yes. You can print the eBook during the 7-day access period.
3. How can I download the ebook?
After payment is complete, a link to the ebook will be displayed at the top of the thank you page. Also, we'll email the download link to you. If you don't receive the download link via email, visit : https://transactions.sendowl.com/order_recoveries/new?merchant_id=21494
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Ebooks can be read on a PC or MAC using any PDF reader software. You can download a free copy of adobe reader here: http://get.adobe.com/reader/
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The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for ChildrenFourth Edition/WISC-IV is a registered trademark of NCS Pearson Inc. Test Tutor Publishing is not affiliated with or related to NCS Pearson Inc. or its affiliates. NCS Pearson does not sponsor or endorse Test Tutor Publishing products or services. Test Tutor Publishing's products and services have not been reviewed, certified or approved by NCS Pearson. Trademarks referring to specific test providers are used by Test Tutor Publishing for nominative purposes only and such trademarks are solely the property of their respective owners.